Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Fun Continues!

After Dad left, I was able to return my focus to school, home, and friends. I continued to take piano lessons at the Catholic university and also picked up guitar (no, I didn't learn how to play anything). I took a linguistics class with Murilo who had begun his first semester at the Catholic university as a Publicity and Advertisement student (lame!). I also took three courses at the federal university: Bahian History (very hard), Anthropology III (very easy), and Political Organization of Brazil (very impossible). Besides studying, I continued to enjoy a warm home life and a busy social life.

The fam and I on Teca's birthday.

Danna and I on Katie's birthday.

In April, I also traveled to Recife with some other students from the exchange program. We spent a long weekend at a cool hostel with a lot of other young people and were able to see just about everything Recife had to offer, as far as I could tell.

A view of downtown Recife from Olinda, the historic district.

At Porto de Galinhas, the nearby beach town.

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