Saturday, June 28, 2008

Summer Vacation in January

In January, Katie, Raoni, and I spent a week in a beautiful region of Bahia called Chapada Diamantina, a 6 hour bus ride from Salvador.

For most of our visit, we stayed in a town called Capão which was lousy with roaming hippies selling jewelry, wooden flutes and marijuana. From there we had access to several different trails for day hikes.

Our first hike to the famous Fumaça waterfall.

We walked all the way up that winding trail to the other side of the plateau.

The waterfall was actually all dried up when we went so we got to stand where it usually fell.

Okay, so we didn't exactly stand there.

The next day we followed a river to the waterfalls Purificação and Angélica.


I told you there'd be pictures of these two.

1 comment:

Gary Perrine said...

Commenting seems appropriate right about here, I'd say. After all, if not here then where? If not now, when? You are an excellent "blogger". Well, I guess that's it for the commenting. Fun, yea?