and then I just had to bounce around for a little while before I moved for the last time to Murilo’s house where I genuinely feel as though I am part of a family complete with three greedy older brothers and two squawking parrots. I’ve been rather surprised to discover what a difference a positive home environment makes in my mood, and I’m eternally grateful to the whole family and in particular to my adoptive mother for allowing such peace of mind.
The new view.
In October the exchange program took a trip to Porto Seguro, a tourist city in the south of Bahia whose pride is the “Point of Discovery of Brazil ” where the Portuguese first landed.
Famed point of discovery.
It was beautiful and we had a good time, but we were all a little disturbed by the extreme tourism and our depressing visit to the Jaqueira reservation where Pataxó individuals make their living entertaining tour groups.
Katie and I enjoy a promenade in Tourist Trap, Bahia.